
Friday, May 27, 2011

Pieces Cruise Trip Slideshow

Pieces Cruise Trip Slideshow: "TripAdvisor™ TripWow ★ Pieces Cruise Trip Slideshow ★ to Malaysia. Stunning free travel slideshows on TripAdvisor"

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Buy 1 Get 1 Free Mc Chicken

McDonald is having promotion with Buy 1 Get 1 Free Mc Chicken at 18th May 2011. I believe most of the human will get attraction when see Buy 1 Get 1 Free Mc Chicken, but every promotion sure have term and condition. According to the coupon: 1. The promotion is only valid at 18th May 2011 from time 11am until 12 midnight. 2. This promotion only valid in Peninsular Malaysia. 3. Not valid with any other coupon offers. 4. One Free McChicken * (ala carte) is only valid with one purchase of ala carte McChicken. 5. Coupon print out size smaller than 11.5cm x 21cm will not accepted. Are you going to have ur lunch / dinner / supper today?? Does it’s worth to get this??? Be a smart customer!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


时间过得真快,转眼之间一日复一日,我们的年龄也随着有增无减。 我们每天都为了生活而生活,每天都为了工作了忙碌。 早午晚九的生活不断地重复着,是为了能够有更好的生活素质还是为了满足自己的欲望? 人类为了有更好的生活素质而背负更多的债务是否值得?有时觉得这样不是自相矛盾吗? 人生是以生命为研究对象的, 人生是一个过程,是一切与你生命有关的过去‘现在‘将来‘未来的诸多元素的集合。。。。 面对每件事,都应以快乐情绪来承受。 人生就像一出戏,无论你演的好与坏都是要落幕的。在两万多天的日子里,你要演示出自己生命的乐章。精彩的掌声也好,落幕的唏嘘也罢,真正属于你的是自己在两万多天里的感受。享受快乐生活,才是生命最根本的意义。 要记住。。。。 你改变不了环境,但你可以改变自己; 你改变不了事实,但你可以改变态度; 你改变不了过去,但你可以改变现在; 你不能控制他人,但你可以掌握自己; 你不能预测明天,但你可以把握今天; 你不能样样顺利,但你可以事事尽心; 你不能左右天气,但你可以改变心情; 你不能选择容貌,但你可以展现笑容; 你不能延长生命的长度,但你可以决定生命的宽度。

Siao Lang

It's were few weeks I'm having my lunch in canteen with my colleague, the reason we having our lunch in canteen because the weather outside is "too hot" and lazy to have lunch outside with this hot temperature. Yesterday, one of our ex-colleague called us to have lunch at nearby KFC fast food restaurant. We use to chit chat on the way to KFC. While we are quiting up to purchase our lunch, we still chit chat among ourselves, an indian muslim in front of us turn her head and scolding us "bising bising, if you want to talk then talk at home lah, dun talk here". we were stunned for a few seconds there, really unlucky to meet such a so so so no manner people. What's a "siao people" we met..